Bear in Farm 3D - Maze Run 1.4
Story: One hungry bear goes to the usual farm town to look forfood. However, unexpected frenzy rivals had waiting in there…Really, Whether the bear can safely escape, is up to you! Features:- Free, no in-app purchases. - You can play in at short time, e.g.,the interval of the schedule. - The cartoon bear simulator gamewith 3D dot-eat (e.g. pac-man) action. - This game is not aso-called farming simulator, is a non-super hard maze game. - Inthe map such as the maze, the bear gets food while escaping fromthe chase of the frenzy enemy. - Various maniac enemies full ofpersonality, hunt down the player in the movement of its own. -When you clear all stages, you can challenge to play in hard modefurther. (Max Lv3) - Currently, the available 5 stage all 10 stagesduring. The remaining stages additional upcoming. How to play: -Press and hold the arrow keys before you turn, you can turnquickly. - You can change the direction of the bear by pressing thearrow keys at the bottom left of the screen. - Press the STOP orGO! button at the bottom right of the screen, you can pause orresume game. - The stage cleared when you collect the food, it wasachieved the target. - The game is over when the number of the lifebecomes zero or the remaining time becomes zero. Capture method: -When the enemy has been imminent, once press the stop button, andconsider the tactics. - By change of view point, try to confirm theposition of the enemy. - Since the pincer attack is likely tooccur, beware the long straight road! - Observe behavior patternsof the enemy. (e.g.: tracking type, ambush type, pincer type, tailtype, etc.) - At the time of situation that you are in danger, auseful drink is thrown in. Catch it well! Caution: - Depending onthe terminal, it may take a little time to load the data at thetime of initial startup. Game content will be continuously updatedin the future! Have fun! !
8-bit vertical scrolling casual action Top rated operation at anangle to the left or right screen. (using an acceleration sensor)Pixel art retro heart-warming is the feature, adults can easilyenjoy anyone from children. It is most suitable for the killing ofcommuting time. ★ cat climbs a step with the aim of goal. ★ get ascore and collect (cheese, fish) the favorite food of the cat inthe middle. ★ difficulty up little by little each time the stage isincreased. ★ Note the interference of savage rat! Music courtesy ofMao-damashii This application, I use the thing which was modifiedthe source code, which is GPLv3. The license of this applicationwill also be GPLv3. Source code can be downloaded from
2048 Easy Cat 1.2
Light operativity is realized forextremelypopular puzzle game"2048" with an originalalgorithm!The excessive function is excluded so that a puzzle can beplayedcomfortably.Since time passes during a play in the twinkling of an eye, itiscareful!How to play:A rule is easy. A screen is swiped and as a cat type panel ismadeto unite on the panel of the same number.A number doubles (the panel which united). However, the panel ofadifferent number cannot unite.It is clear if the number of 2048 is finally made.
Attack on Tank : World Warfare 4.0.2
A role-playing, ultra-realistic combat game recreates tank tacticsof the time!